promo: jphono1

Hung out with my buddies in JPhono1 on Monday night, at my other buddy Alex’s place, to do some promo shots for them. I love that top one so much.

promo photos: slingshot cash

Did some promos for the Cowboy and the current configuration of Slingshot Cash last night. Did I rig up an outdoor light for that porch shot with medical tape and a slightly busted floor lamp? You bet your ass I did.

promo photos: bombadil

Had the pleasure of shooting some new promo images for the Bombadil boys on Saturday night, all spiffed up in their white suits. Such fun.

promo photos: grant hart

Having access to a gorgeous converted mill studio to shoot Grant, for future Every Everything promo, was a joy. I want a studio. And also some studio lighting. And Gorman’s 85mm f2.8 lens. And a million dollars, and a pony. And for the Orioles to win the World Series, if I’m asking for things. But…

promo photos: young///savage [austin, tx]

I did a set of impromptu interviews with musicians and others at Death To False Hope Fest II yesterday, which led to an impromptu photo shoot with Young///Savage from Austin, TX. We found the ground littered with playing cards, a sure sign that Magic Michael Casey had been around the night before, and sure enough,…

need promo photos? i’m your girl.

Locals — or out-of-towners playing in Chapel Hill; wish I could do Raleigh or Durham for a shoot, but I can’t — if you’re in the market for new promo photos for an upcoming release, a tour, or just because your bassist quit, I’m running a May special: Email me — asdonkar AT gmail, subject…

promo photos: the fooligans

Spent Sunday afternoon with the Fooligans, goofing around and doing their promo photos. Full set is here. If you’re a local band who needs promo photos, I’ll cut you a price deal if you book me in the next two weeks: asdonkar AT gmail. I have two days in May and four in June open.

promo photos: wylie hunter & the cazadores

Spent an hour Monday horsing around with Wylie Hunter & the Cazadores, rifling stock in CD Alley and being noisy in empty parking lots and trying to think up hilarious four letter words besides YMCA. Behind the jump, a couple of shots. NSFW if your employer is opposed to 20-something men spelling Four Letter Words…

promo photos: some army

I spent some time yesterday doing cover images (hint: it involved 100+ photos of a closet) for the new Wylie Hunter & the Cazadores record, and as I was leaving Wylie’s, I got an email from my buddy Russ, who fronts locals Some Army. He had a photo emergency, so I scooted over to the…