life list: edition outer banks stuff

101. Visit every US National Seashore. (Cape Hatteras National Seashore) 26. Take a photo of sunrise at every individually-named beach in North Carolina. (Frisco, NC) 58. Visit the top ten natural wonders in North Carolina. (Cape Hatteras) Three for the list! We had glorious sunrises every morning. The clouds made them unreal. I don’t post…

worth getting up for in april

Worth getting up for in April: Opening Day; the Orioles’ Opening Day win; this photo of Matt Wieters; the Orioles still being over .500; spring; Phuzz Phest; Wintersleep and Frightened Rabbit on tour together; Fitz and the Tantrums at Haw River Ballroom; the way North Carolina looks like someone turned up the saturation on Photoshop;…

the pointy kind of good luck

The women on my mom’s side of the family are, at the beach, inveterate shell collectors. As soon as I was old enough to tell the difference between the shells, I learned to pick up the unusual, the beautiful, the ugly. Above (top) is my haul from this week at Holden Beach. It’s the best…

a photo series, abandoned beach style

If I was giving a pretentious interview to a pretentious arts journal, I would say, of these shots, “I’m just really into chairs right now.”

poem: prayer in my boot

Prayer In My Boot (Naomi Shihab Nye) For the wind no one expected For the boy who does not know the answer For the graceful handle I found in a field attached to nothing pray it is universally applicable For our tracks which disappear the moment we leave them For the face peering through the…

washed up

The Alpha Site went to the beach on Friday, and I took pictures of beach implements abandoned by their humans. Also this rad tsunami warning sign. RUN, LITTLE SIGN GUY, THE TSUNAMI’S GOING TO GET YOU. Anyway: behind the jump, an impromptu series I’m calling Washed Up.